Enobong Isong

Enobong Isong

Proficient in React, PHP and Ruby on Rails, offering business solutions for a variety of clients and enterprises. Let me assure you that with my collaboration, you will reach your business goals much faster than you ever imagined.

My Recent Works

Hello, my name is Enobong Isong. I am a full stack developer with over 2 years of experience in web application development using a wide range of technologies, including HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, React, Node.js, MongoDB, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and PostgreSQL. I am well-versed in development tools and methodologies like Git, GitHub, and Agile and I am currently pair- programming with remote professionals from all over the world through the Microverse program. I'm confident in my abilities and eager for new challenges.

I'm always interested in hearing about new projects. So if you'd like to discuss more, feel free to leave a message.